Friday, April 17, 2009

Another good day!

Man, I am feeling good.  I mean, I still have some itchiness (enough with the damn rash, already!) and I'm worried about pulling my pork loose from doing too much too fast.  But aside from that, I am quite pleased!

Today I spent more time out in the yard planting veggies and berries in pots. I even hung some bird feeders with fresh seed for the finches and cardinals.  Additionally, I spray painted a boring black plant hook with some cool metallic paint so I can hang another feeder on the front porch.

I also spent the morning revising and updating my food diary.  I saw the The Gastric Band Companion at and was excited!  I had designed my own food journal (using Excel, then Numbers for Mac) and was manually printing the pages onto unlined pages from FranklinCovey.  Thing was I just got tired lugging my planner around all the time.  So it was very easy to not take it, and then eat whatever I wanted because, oops!  Left my journal at home!  I liked Suzette Kroll's book (her website is great too), but there were things I wanted in my own, like tracking blood sugar readings as well.

So I revised my diary and then google-searched my way through uploading my files to Lulu so I could publish my own spiral bound, purse sized (6 x 9") food journal.  LOVE IT!  It is a bit of a pain in the butt to do it with a Mac (note to self:  print, save as postscript, upload the postscript file to Lulu.  Lulu is not compatible with Preview type PDF documents), but I did it.  I made my first one a bit on the short side, just in case I hated it.  I knew how I thought it would look.  But would it actually turn out that way?

My first one turned out perfectly and now I'm down to the last 10 days. I made some minor revisions (typed in the nutritional information in the appendix for some of my favorite, frequently eaten foods, added enough daily pages for 3 months worth of tracking), uploaded it again and ordered a new copy.  By the time I'm finished with my current one, the new one should be here.  YAY!

I'm especially glad I have the diabetes tracking, especially when I get to write down numbers like 116, which was what my blood sugar was before lunch today!  Oh yeah!  And funny-funny:  the color of the cover almost perfectly matches my One Touch Mini meter!!!

1 comment:

Fastlass said...